Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Event Report

Two-Days National Seminar on G20, Diversity and Sustainable development: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for India

Organised by: Humanities & Social Sciences Department

27-28 Januray, 2024

The Two Days National Seminar on G20, Diversity, and Sustainable Development, organised by the
Humanities and Social Sciences Department of JUET, Guna, unfolded as a dynamic intellectual forum, bringing together scholars, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the intricate intersections of global governance, cultural diversity, and sustainable development.


Inaugural Session: The seminar commenced with an inaugural session that set the tone for the two days of engaging discussions. The Chief Guest, Mr Ajay Kumar Gupta, shared profound insights into the economic implications of G20 decisions. The Keynote Speaker, Dr. Rajeev Srivastava, addressed the audience on the vital role of diversity in fostering sustainable development. The event was graced by our esteemed Vice- Chancellor Prof. D.K.Rai, and other dignitaries which included the convenor of this national seminar Dr. Abhishek Shukla, co-convenor Dr. Sandeep Srivastava, and other dignitries.

Welcome Speech: After the inauguration of the event, we sought blessings from the Almighty. The
introductory speech was delivered by our Convenor Dr. Abhishek Shukla, followed by a welcome address by our Dean of Academic and Research, Prof. Vipin Tyagi. Our esteemed Vice-Chancellor, Dr DK Rai, then addressed the seminar and shed light on the importance of sustainable development and diversity.

Plenary Sessions: Renowned experts in economics, international relations, and sustainable development delivered captivating plenary sessions, shedding light on the multifaceted dimensions of G20 dynamics. The discussions explored the cultural richness inherent in diversity and its potential impact on global sustainability. Notable speakers included Dr. Rajeev Srivastava and Mr. Vijay Bangar who helped us expand our domain in the subject matter.

Launch of Souvenir: After the valuable speeches delivered by our respected dignitaries, we proceeded with the launch of the souvenir for the national seminar, which was done by the members of the dais. The souvenir included the complete flow of the seminar, the vision, and the mission for conducting the seminar, along with the entire list of the faculty core committee members and the student core committee members. It also contained the list of all the participants for this national seminar, along with their respective research papers.

Paper Presentation Sessions & Momento Distribution: The seminar witnessed paper presentation sessions where scholars from various disciplines presented their research findings. Topics ranged from the economic implications of G20 policies to the cultural dimensions of sustainable development. The diversity of research topics and methodologies showcased the interdisciplinary nature of the seminar. After this, a token of thanks and acknowledgement was awarded to both the keynote speakers for this national seminar.

Cultural Evening: A cultural evening celebrating the diversity inherent in our community. University students showcased their talents through music, dance, and other cultural expressions. This provided a relaxed and enjoyable environment, a chance to network, exchange cultural perspectives, and simply cherish the talent of Juetians!


Paper Presentation Sessions: During the first half of the day, at the national seminar, all participants had the opportunity to present their research papers in an organized and professional manner, before proceeding to the lunch break.

Valedictory Session: The seminar concluded with a valedictory session, featuring a summary of key findings from the sessions and discussions. Certificates of participation were distributed, and the event closed with expressions of gratitude to the speakers, participants, sponsors, and organizers.

Webinar for paper presentation: Following our lunch break, we held a professional and informative webinar featuring a diverse group of knowledgeable participants from various regions of the country. The purpose of this webinar was to share their paper presentations and expertise on the importance of diversity and sustainable development. Our goal was to help young aspirants by making a positive impact in their lives.

The success of the seminar was made possible by the unwavering support of the university administration, the diligent efforts of the organizing committee, and the active participation of scholars and attendees. Special thanks to our sponsors, whose support enhanced the overall quality of the event.

Conclusion: The Two Days National Seminar on G20, Diversity, and Sustainable Development was a collaborative effort that aimed to explore the complexities of our global landscape. The discussions were interdisciplinary, and the diverse perspectives shared demonstrated the richness of the academic community at JUET, Guna. In conclusion, the seminar was successful in bringing together scholars from different backgrounds to shed light on important issues related to sustainability and diversity.


Dr. Abhishek Shukla



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