Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
IUCEE Workshop-2010
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IUCEE Workshop 2010 on Computer System Performance Analysis

The Five Days workshop on IUCEE workshop on Course Computer System Performance Analysis has been organized in coordination with IUCEE (Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education). The workshop was conducted by Prof. Raj Jain of Washington University St Louis . This workshop was held during 5th July to 9 th July 2010.

This 5-days workshop was designed for faculty members teaching courses in performance analysis, measurement, experimental design, simulation, and queueing theory at a senior undergraduate or first year postgraduate level. The course is based on Raj Jain's award winning book “The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling.” Topics covered include comparing system using measurement, simulation, and queueing models. Common mistakes and how to avoid them, selection of techniques and metrics, art of data presentation, summarizing measured data, comparing systems using sample data, introduction to experimental design, fractional factorial designs, introduction to simulation, common mistakes in simulations, analysis of simulation results, random number generation, random variety generation, commonly used distributions, introduction to queuing theory, single queues, and queuing networks. The techniques of the course can be used to analyze and compare any type of systems including algorithms, protocols, network, or database systems.



Dr. Shishir Kumar
Department of CSE
Organizing Secretary











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