Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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April 15-17, 2021


Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a three-day National Workshop on Additive Manufacturing-2021 (NWAM-2021) during April 15-17, 2021 in online mode. The objective was to disseminate the state-of-the-art of additive manufacturing among faculty members, research scholars, PG/UG students, budding researchers and hobbyist. Following topics were covered during various lecture and lab sessions:

  • Introduction to additive manufacturing (AM)
  • Metal additive manufacturing
  • STL file slicing and algorithm
  • AM in automotive and aerospace industries
  • Medical 3D printing and bio printing
  • Design for additive manufacturing (DFMA)
  • CAD modeling, conversion to STL and repairing STL file in MagicsRP software
  • Pre processing, part fabrication and post processing on EOSINT P395 and ZPrinter 450
  • Pre processing, part fabrication and post processing on FDM printer

Seven eminent speakers from the academia and industry delivered sessions during the workshop:

  • Prof. Santosh Kumar (IIT, BHU)
  • Prof. Puneet Tandon (IIITDM, Jabalpur)
  • Dr. Mohammad Taufiq (MANIT, Bhopal)
  • Dr. Ankit Nayak (Banasthanali Vidhyapeeth, Vanasthali)
  • Dr. Yashwant Kumar Modi (JUET, Guna)
  • Mr. Arul Regan (Monotech, Chennai)
  • Mr. Rahul Verma and Mr. Amit Pradhan (3Dexter Pvt. Ltd., Delhi)

For this workshop, 365 faculty members, PhD scholars, PG/UG students, industry persons and hobbyist showed interest and completed online registration process. 175 participants actively attended the workshop. Feedback of the participants was excellent and most of them found it very informative and relevant in changing manufacturing scenario during Industry 4.0. Most of the participants requested to keep organizing such workshops at regular intervals.


Dr. Yashwant Kumar Modi

Coordinator, NWAM-2021

Department of Mechanical Engineering







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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA