Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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APRIL 9-10, 2016

A two day National Workshop on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Civil Engineering was organized during April 9-10, 2016 by the Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Raghogarh, Guna (M.P.). The objective of the workshop is to provide a platform for sharing and updating the knowledge of emerging trends in the field of civil engineering and new developments related to Materials, Design and Construction.
The following is the major theme of the workshop:

  1. Recent Advancements in Materials and Technology.
  2. Testing of Engineering Materials.
  3. Strengthen The Linkage Between Institute And Industry by Shearing Knowledge.
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Tall Buildings and Structures.

The workshop aims at promoting scientific interactions between researchers, teaching faculties of engineering institutions and peoples of different industrial background of private and public sectors and other agencies involved in Civil Engineering activities. The Workshop was inaugurated by Chief Engineer PWD Bhopal & Chief Technical Examiner (Vigilance) Shri R. K. Mehra, Prof N. J. Rao presided over the function, welcome and introductory address was given by Prof S. Arunachalam. The following were the Resource Persons in the workshop:

  1. Sri R. K. Mehra {Chief Engineer PWD Bhopal & Chief Technical Examiner (Vigilance)}
  2. Prof N. J. Rao (Vice- Chancellor, JUET Guna)
  3. Dr Asokan Pappu (Sr Scientist, Advanced Material Processing Research Institute, AMPRI Bhopal)
  4. Sh. U.K. Guru Vittal (Chief Scientist, Central Road Research Institute, CRRI, Delhi)
  5. Prof. S Arunachalam (Dean A&R and Head, CED, JUET)
  6. Dr. Kanchan Mala (Assistant Professor, JUET)
  7. Dr. V.S. Babu (Assistant Professor, JUET)
  8. Mr. D. K. Shukla (Assistant Professor, JUET)
  9. Mr. Shiva Shanker (Assistant Professor, JUET)

have deliberated on various topics as mentioned below:

  1. Construction of Flexible Pavements: Field Study
  2. Sustainable Development and civil Engineering- Need for Paradigm Shift
  3. New and Advanced Building Materials: Hybrid Composite Materials for Multifunctional Applications  And Solid wastes recycling in building construction materials
  4. Using Locally Available Materials in Road Construction - Problems & Possibilities Application of boundary layer wind tunnels for design of civil engineering structures
  5. High Performance Concrete: Challenges in its Application
  6. Construction of cement concrete pavements in hot weather
  7. Bearing Capacity Assessment of Sloping Anisotropic Rock Mass
  8. Emerging Challenges in the Environmental Engineering and their Implications for Sustainable Environmental Management in the Indian Scenario

Dr Asokan had shown some new building materials developed in the AMPRI Bhopal by his group. The material he shown is made up from waste materials is tough enough and resistant to weathering. The participants are very much interested to explore the material by discussion. The interaction session was held after the lectures chaired by Sri R. K. Mehra and the panel included Dr Asokan Pappu and Prof. S Arunachalam.

A Visit to Jaypee Wind Engineering Application Centre is arranged for the participants. They also show their interest in Civil Engineering laboratory equipments, testing procedures and analysis of results.

The function concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Mr. Krishna Murari, Organizing Secretary of the Workshop. The workshop was over with positive note to have it once again in future.
 The management of JUET had given a whole hearted support to make Workshop a great success. The faculty, staff and students of Civil Engineering department, JUET rendered all assistance for the successful conduct of this Workshop.


Mr. Krishna Murari
Organizing Secretary





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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA