Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Workshkop on Testing of Concrete
August 26, 2010


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Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna


Civil Engineering Department organized One day Workshop on Testing of Concrete on August 22, 2010 . The Workshop was inaugurated by Chief Engineer PWD Gwalior circle Shri G. R. Gujre, Prof N. J. Rao presided over the function, welcome and introductory address was given by Prof K. K. Jain and Dr. N. K. Samaiya.

This Workshop was an effort to bring together the practicing engineers and academicians. The Workshop aimed to provide an overall perspective of the commonly used destructive and non-destructive testing methods with the aid of lectures and laboratory experimental demonstration.

The following were the Resource Persons:

Dr. A. K. Mullick (former DG, NCBM & Guest Professor JUET)

Topic: Need and Importance of Concrete Testing: Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests

Dr. A. K. Jain (Joint Director, Technical Education, MP)

Topic: Spreadsheeting Design of Superplasticized Concrete Mix

Dr. S. K. Singh (Sr. GM, WSP Consultant Ind. Ltd, New Delhi )

Topic: Reinforcement Corrosion: Testing and Preventions

Mr. K. Murari (Sr. Lecturer, JUET)

Topic: NDT Methods for Concrete Quality Assessment: Rebound Hammer & Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

A memento was presented to each speaker after their lecture.

A huge response from the practicing engineers from different government agencies viz. PWD, WRD, Municipal Corporation as well as private construction agencies was received. Chief Engineer PWD Shri G. R. Gujre was invited as chief guest to the Workshop. The other invitees and participants includes superitending engineers from PWD and WRD, Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineers, SDO's, Sub engineers and Project Engineers. In all 48 participants attended the workshop alongwith other guests.

The participants arrived from following places:

Gwalior , Guna, Shivpuri, Ashoknagar, Mugaoli, Bina, Aron, Raghogarh, Chanchoda

The laboratory session was the most popular. The participants evinced keen interest in laboratory equipments, testing procedures and analysis of results. Tests on NDT equipments and UTM machine were demonstrated to the participants.

The interaction session was held after the lectures chaired by Shri G. R. Gujre and the panel included Dr. A.K. Mullick and Shri S. H. Mankad. Many participants clarified problems faced by them in the field. In the valedictory function of Workshop, the Chief Guest distributed the certificates to the participants. The Feedback forms on Workshop were obtained from participants and guests in a pre-prepared proforma. All the faculty members of Civil Engineering Department were introduced to the participants by Prof. K. K. Jain. The function concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. N. K. Samaiya, Coordinator of the Workshop.

The management of JUET had given a whole hearted support to make Workshop a great success. The faculty, staff and students of Civil Engineering department, JUET rendered all assistance for the successful conduct of this Workshop.



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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA