Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Chemistry Department
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PROGRAM : M.SC. (Chemistry)
Programme Educational Objectives:
To enable students to conduct applied scientific research in various fields of Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Medicinal, Biotechnology, and Environmental Chemistry.
Demonstrate necessary skills, knowledge, and deep understanding to deal with research and industrial problems with a scientific outlook.
This program will develop an ability to communicate clearly and concisely the research findings with the scientific communities by adhering to social and professional ethics.
Chemistry post-graduates will be well preparing for successful careers in the profession or research & innovation in industry and government in one or more of the disciplines and sub-disciplines of Chemistry.
Programme Outcomes:
Students develop an ability to apply knowledge in an experiment, research findings, and innovative thought to meet desired performance and specifications.
They develop the ability to critically think and analyze complex problems related to natural products semi-synthesis and total synthesis.
It will develop an ability to provide analytical solutions to industrial and other research required problems.
This program will develop an ability to identify research problems and extract information pertinent to these problems through a detailed literature review.
This program will develop an ability to select appropriate tools and techniques for modeling, drug design, biomolecules, polymers, and nanomaterial
This program will develop necessary skills to work efficiently in a multidisciplinary area and team.
This program will develop an ability to apply science concepts to execute the projects.
This program will develop an ability to understand the significance of lifelong learning to meet the challenges of day-to-day life.
It will develop an understanding of professional and research ethics.
Chemistry post-graduates will be successful leaders with the quality to handle all kinds of diverse circumstances through nurturing them in the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning environment.
Programme Specific Outcomes:
Students will have adequate knowledge to offer innovative and practical solutions to the research problems with reasonable economic viability.
Students will be prepared to contribute effectively in the areas of Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Medicinal, Biotechnology & Environmental chemistry. It also develops the ability to apply the concept of advanced studies for the understanding of underlining principles, proposing mechanisms, and problem-solving.

Students will have a proper understanding of industrial safety and sustainable development to work in the conventional and frontier areas, enabling them to be suitable for industries.


Chemistry post-graduates will be able to acquire firm knowledge of various fundamental theories related to Physical and Analytical Chemistry. Furthermore, by using concepts, tools, and techniques related to these topics, they can acquire knowledge and utilize its application in the interpretation and explanations of the limits and accuracy of experimental data in terms of significance.



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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA