Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Mathematics Department
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Mathematics is the backbone of all the sciences as the knowledge of Mathematics is essentially required to learn every branch of Science, Engineering and Technology. It gives various tools which are applied in analyzing and solving the scientific and technological problems. In recent years some topics like Mathematical Modeling, Advanced Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Information Theory and Computational Mathematics have become indispensable because of their applicability.

The department offers mathematics courses on above mentioned topics in addition to basic courses.  The aim of mathematics teaching is not only to make the students proficient in mathematical concepts and computational skills, but also to develop an aptitude for logical reasoning, analytical ability and precision. Apart from teaching mathematics courses research activities are also pursued by the faculty in the areas of Information Theory, Neural Networks, Survival Analysis and Industrial Mathematics.

In addition to teaching, the faculty is engaged in research activities and has published many papers in the journals of national and international repute. The research areas of interest of the faculty are as follows:

“Information Theory and Its Application, Coding Theory, Fuzzy sets and logic with applications, , Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problems, Mathematical Modeling, Time series forecasting, Fluid dynamics, Multiphase flow,  Flow through porous media, Complex Analysis, Growth and Approximation of Entire, Analytic & Monogenic functions.”












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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA