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1. A. K. Sahoo, P. Pandey, D. R. Mishra, “Multi-response optimization of EDM drilling parameters of the Nitinol SMA”, The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 13007-01-17e, Aug. 2021, doi:
2. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Characterization of Laser Drilling and Parametric Optimization Using Golden Jackal Optimizer,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.1007/s12541-024-01070-z.
3. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Characterisation of basalt/glass/kevlar-29 hybrid fibre-reinforced plastic composite material through Nd: YAG laser drilling and optimisation using stochastic methods,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 4321–4331, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.1007/s12206-024-0728-2.
4. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Parametric optimization of response parameter of Nd-YAG laser drilling for basalt-PTFE coated glass fibre using genetic algorithm,” Journal of Engineering Research, 2023, doi:
5. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Characterisation and optimisation of the Nd: YAG laser drilling for basalt-glass-kevlar-29 hybrid composite material using particle swarm technique,” International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), Jul. 2024, doi: 10.1007/s12008-024-01924-w.
6. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Experimental characteristic evaluation of micro hole EDM drilling of Ni51.58Ti48.34 alloy with copper electrode and response optimization using GRG assisted with GA,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 71, no. 1, p. 117, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.1186/s44147-024-00447-1.
1. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Multi-Attribute Optimization of EDM Drilling Process Parameters on Nitinol Using GRA-Assisted PSO”, 2nd. International Architectural Sciences and Applications Symposium (IArcSAS-2022), pp. 1259 – 1276, Sept. 2022
2. A. K. Sahoo and D. R. Mishra, “Multi-response optimization of EDM drilling of nitinol submerged in distilled water using GRA and Taguchi analysis”, Baskent International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 57 – 73, Feb. 2022
1. D. R. Mishra, R. Bisht, and A. K. Sahoo, “Composite Laminate,” 363695–001, May 04, 2022