Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
  Faculty Members  
Mechanical Engg.

Dr. Kedari Lal Dhaker
Dr. Kedari Lal Dhaker
Assistant Professor(SG)
: PhD, ME, BE,  
E-mail : kedarilal.dhaker[AT]juet.ac.in  
Contact No. : Ext. - 246  
Areas of Interest: Operations research, Statistical analysis, Data science
Brief Profile:
Dr. Kedari Lal Dhaker pursued his Bachelor of engineering- mechanical (B. E.) from M.I.T.S.-Gwalior (Government Aided Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh)-in the year of 2006. In the year of 2008, he has completed post-graduation in production engineering from Delhi Technological University (DTU), New Delhi and has completed his PhD in advanced manufacturing technology from Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology (JUET), Guna in year 2020.

After completion of Post-Graduation, Dr. Dhaker has joined the India’s leading engineering consulting company, Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd (TCE) as Trainee Engineer-Mechanical. At TCE, the team in which he was a key member has successfully engineered, managed and commissioned the industrial projects: De-dusting system, Primary coke gas cooling plant, Tar precipitation system, Gas cleaning plant, Gas exhauster system at the world’s leading steel manufacturing plant (Tata Steel, Jamshedpur and Kalinganagar).

Dr. Dhaker has served at TATA group for 5 years as Senior Engineer-Mechanical and made career transition from industry to academia. He Joined the JUET as an Assistant Professor (G-ii)-Mechanical in year 2013 and currently working as assistant professor (senior grade). Dr. Dhaker has achieved the silver certificate (topper) in NPTEL courses of emerging field “Data Science for Engineer” and “Python for Data Science” offered by IIT Madras.

Certificate courses completed in area of Data Science:

1. 2023, “ Discreet Mathematics, from IIT-Madras, India
2. 2023, “ Advanced graph theory” IIT-Kanpur, India
3. 2022, “Python for data science” from IIT-Madras, India
4. 2021,” Data Science for Engineers” from IIT-Madras, India
5. 2021, “Introduction to Statistics” from Stanford University, USA
6. 2021, “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” from University of Michigan, USA
7. 2020, “The Data Scientist’s toolbox” from Johns Hopkins University, USA
8. 2020, “Data Science Math Skills”, from Duke University, USA
9. 2020, “Basic Statistics” from University of Amsterdam, Netherland.



Publication details google profile link

International Journal Papers

1. Kedari Lal Dhaker, Kartik Bhilala, Honey Kishor Sharma, Pooja Bhil, Experimental investigation of hole geometry during electric discharge drilling of aerospace material sheet, Materials Today: Proceedings, 78(3) 2023, p. 570-579

2. Kedari Lal Dhaker and Bhagat Singh and Yogesh Shrivastava, “Experimental investigation and parametric optimisation of the hole-circularity and recast layer during the laser trepan drilling”, Australian journal of mechanical engineering, Taylor & Francis (2020),DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14484846.2020.1794522.

3. Kedari Lal Dhaker and Arun Kumar Pandey, “Particle Swarm Optimisation of Hole Quality Characteristics in Laser Trepan Drilling of Inconel-718”, Defence Science Journal, 69(1) (2019) 37-45. DOI : 10.14429/dsj.69.12879.

4. K.L. Dhaker and A.K. Pandey, “Multi-objective Optimization in Laser Trepan Drilling of Inconel-718 Sheet by Using a Genetic Algorithm (GA)”, Lasers in engineering, 42(4-6) (2019) 337-361.

5. Kedari Lal Dhaker, Bhagat Singh and Yogesh Shrivastava., “Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based modeling of recast layer thickness during laser trepanning of Inconel-718 sheet”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41(423) (2019), DOI:10.1007/s40430-019-1933-2.

6. Kedari Lal Dhaker and Arun Kumar Pandey, “Experimental study of Hole Taper in Laser Trepan Drilling of Nickel Based Super alloy Sheet” Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (2018) 23994–24004.

7. Kedari Lal Dhaker , Arun Kumar Pandey and B. N. Upadhayay, “Experimental Investigation of Hole Diameter in Laser Trepan Drilling of Inconel718 Sheet”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 4 (2017)7599–7608.

Conference Paper:

1. Kedari Lal Dhaker, Arun Kumar Pandey, Optimization of hole circularity in Laser Trepan Drilling of Inconel-718 sheet by Genetic Algorithm. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Advancements and Recent Innovations in Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering ARIMPIE-2017.

2. Kedari Lal Dhaker, Arun Kumar Pandey , Modelling and Simulation of Thermal Stress Distribution in Laser Cutting of Ti-alloy Sheet, proceedings of National Conference on Product design and Manufacturing (NCPDM 2015).

Faculty development programmes (FDP) and training programmes completed:

1. 2023, Completed faculty development program jointly offered by NPTEL-AICTE on “Advanced graph theory” Jan-March, 2023.

2. 2022, Completed faculty development program jointly offered by NPTEL-AICTE on “Python for Data Science” Jan-Feb, 2022.

3. 2022, recognised as Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator by Microsoft Corporation, 16 March 2022.

4. 2022, Complete training on Intellectual property awareness, offered by ministry of commerce & Industry, Government of India, 26 Feb 2022.

5. 2022, completed training on “IEEE Xplor” offered by EBSCO-IEEE on 13 April 2022.

6. 2021, attended “National Workshop on Additive Manufacturing (NWAM-2021), offered by JUET, 15-17 April 2021.

7. 2021, Completed faculty development program jointly offered by NPTEL-AICTE on “Data Science for engineers” July –Sept, 2021.

8. 2021, Completed the faculty development Program on “Advances in Micro Manufacturing” approved by ATAL-AICTE and conducted by BIET-Jhansi, 21 Sept - 25 Sept 2021.

9. 2021, successfully participated and completed the “National Workshop on Virtual Lab” jointly offered by ABV-IIITM Gwalior and MITS –Gwalior on 21 August 2021.

10. 2019, Faculty development programme on “Deep Learning and Applications” during 9-13, December 2019, jointly organised by E& ICT academies, IIITDM-Jabalpur and JUET-Guna, sponsored by Ministry of electronics and information Technology, Government of India.

11. 2019, “Faculty development program for students Induction (FDP-SI)-Human Values”, organised by AICTE during 16- 18, September 2019 at JUET-Guna (MP).

12. 2017, attended “National work shop on Application of MATLAB in Science & Engineering”, February 11- 12, 2017” organized by Department of ECE, JUET-Guna (MP).

13. 2017, Participated and presented research paper at “international conference on advances in material and manufacturing applications (IconAMMA-2017), at Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham, Bangalore, 17-19 Aug.2017.

14. 2016, Completed training on “Solid Works CAD Expert” during Dec 16-18, 2016 and April 1-2, 2017, conducted by TRANNSCAD –Indore (MP)

15. 2015, Participated in “National conference on product design and manufacturing (NCPDM 2015)”, at MNNIT Allahabad, 21-22 November 2015.








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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA