Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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IT Infrastructure
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Hardware - Servers

Servers are the crucial part in the IT Infrastructure of the University. We have 21 servers running the various applications catering to the academic needs. The IBM Servers include model X3500, X3400, X3100, X235, X226, X206, Cyberoam CR1000i & Cisco Secure ACS 1113, Cisco 1133 LAN Solution Engine etc. to name the few. The model and configuration of these servers have been carefully chosen to take in view of the High Availability, performance and stability with redundancy. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, 2003 R2 and Red Hat Linux Enterprise are the major operating systems we are using in servers.

Domain / File Server

It is used to provide user log-on and data storage facilities. The user can access their resources from anywhere in the campus.

Lotus Domino server

It reduces the paperwork and provides the prompt messaging services to internal as well as external domains with a registered domain name “juet.ac.in”. The user can access their respective mail-box upon authentication in the campus and accessible through the internet (webmail) from anywhere in the world.

Linux Server

This Server is used for shell programming and server provides platform other than Windows.

Campus Lynx. Database Server (IRP)

The Campus Lynx. IRP (Integrated Software Solutions for Educational Institutes) software designed and developed by the info-tech division of Jaypee Group includes modules like Financial Accounting System, Fixed Assets Management, HRMS, Purchase, Inventory, Counseling, and Student Information System. The server runs Oracle on UNIX platform.

License Server

License software installed i.e. STAAD Pro, MATLAB, Pro Engineer, ETABS 9.5, SAP-2000 V-14.2.0, Rational Suit Enterprise, Qualnet, IBM SPSS, which are network edition.

Backup Server (s)

This server is used for the data backup of individual users and real time servers.

Sophos XG 430

Internet user management system, Firewall & Proxy Server with High Availability.

Wireless Network System

Cisco 1113 ACS Server and Cisco 1133 Radius Server, Wire Less Bridges & Access Points to provide the Wi-Fi connectivity within the campus.

Antivirus Server

Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager, Antivirus server – Powerful anti-virus solutions is implemented which continues to provide the anti-virus updates deployment to client machines automatically and raises alerts to Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.

Web Server

The University has its own website ( https://www.juet.ac.in ) which is linked to webkiosk facility and provides online status of academic information such as grade sheet, attendance and exam result etc. to the university students and employees from anywhere in the world.

Other Servers

Live DNS server for registered domain “Juet.ac.in”, Lab server for student uses, Oracle database, DHCP, Additional domain controller, LRC Opac for library automation etc.

Computers/ Peripherals 868 IBM/ Lenovo/HP/ Compaq/Dell PIV, Dual Core, Core2 Duo and i3 series Desktop/ Laptop computers with preload professional operating system of Windows XP/ Vista, Windows 2007 and Windows10 are installed in academics.


The University has provided 60 numbers of printers which includes 27 numbers HP Make heavy duty Network printers. HP LaserJet MFP, LIPI (T6050), DMP Printers, 1150/1300/1022 Desktop Printers models, HP LaserJet color printer 2600n/2025n & C4600 for individual/ departmental printing.


The University has provided 16 HP make scanners to fulfill the scanning work related to academics.


Tata Libert and Emersion online UPSs of capacities 221 KVA have installed to ensure uninterrupted power supply requirements of all Servers, Computers, Networking devices, printers, audio visual equipments and other peripherals.

Audio-Visual System

The University has 29 Nos. Of Projectors of different makes i.e. Sanyo, Cannon & Mitsubishi and sound system of Shure LX, Yamaha, Studio master and Polycomm. Each Lecture Theatre is equipped with Audio-Visual equipments which includes computer, ceiling mount projector, motorized screen, visual presenter and sound system. The computer system is connected to network so any user can access their data and study materials. The visual presenter is used to display slides or paper presentation on screen.

There is a set of well-arranged audio systems comprising speakers, microphones (handheld wireless, collar, and table mikes), amplifiers and mixers along with noise destroyer, to ensure uniform distribution of sound in every part of the lecture theatre. All lecture theatres are acoustically treated to avoid echo.

CCTV System

The University has installed 1- NVR, 6-DVR and 32 numbers of CCTV cameras at different location for surveillance and monitoring purpose.


Wi-Fi Enabled Hostels – The University Hostels are provided with Wi-Fi connectivity so that hostlers can access network as well as an Internet facility within the campus uninterruptedly for that we have installed two servers, Cisco 1113 Secure Access Control Server and Cisco 1133 Wireless LAN solution Engine server along with Poe Switches and Access Points.

B. Local Area Network - The University campus network is connected with OFC and copper-based media, wireless bridges and access points. The University has 130 Nos.(managed)and 31 Nos.(unmanaged) Switches of different makes i.e. Cisco, Extreme, 3 COM, Supercomm & D Link. The different segments of network are directly connected to core switch through optical fiber cable media. The University has Cisco Catalyst 4510R backbone Core Switch with 48 OFC- SFP fiber ports and 48 Gigabit RJ45 Copper connectivity ports, which can be increased further by adding extra modules (fiber/ copper) to fulfill the future scalability. The expansion slots include two Cisco 6E Supervisor Engine Modules with OFC and one RJ45 copper Gigabit ports.

The different segment of the network is designed using Cisco – Catalyst PoE/ Non PoE, Extreme (Avaya) switches and Dlink switches with fiber modules for uplink and RJ45 ports for desktop connectivity. The University have Layer 3 and Layer 2 switches which provide VLAN routing and Security network over VTP Domain. Each network segment is assigned a separate VLAN ID over PVST.

Cisco Catalyst 4510-R core switch has feature to apply ACLs between different VLANs for network security and traffic control. The entire campus is connected with 3500 LAN and Wi-Fi points. - The University has Wi-Fi connectivity in different locations, including Hostels and Academic area.


Internet :

The University has 1Gbps Internet lease line through National Knowledge Network (NKN) and 8 Mbps from Bharti Airtel as backup. The users have round-the-clock access to Internet faculty in an academic building, hostels as well as a residential area. The Cyberoam (complete Internet management solution) server is used to manage the Internet traffic, bandwidth QoS. It is useful to manage content filtering, apply traffic policy, data transfer and time restriction modules. It also provides cache facility, antivirus and anti spam features high level protection.


Application Software


Campus Lynx

We are using IRP ( Institutional Resource Planning) solution as Campus Connect in following modules.

•  Counseling and Registration (Online)

•  Student Information System

•  Examination

•  Human Resource Management System

•  Financial Accounting System

•  Web Kiosk

•  Alumni

•  Training & Placement


Software for Labs and Library


The major software's for academic purpose includes those for programming and multimedia.

Borland Turbo C++ provides all of the tools, included in one environment. Turbo C++ provides tight integration between the editor, compiler, linker, and debugger.

AutoCAD 2004 is a popular computer aided drafting program developed by Auto Desk.

Adobe Photoshop is the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Creative tools helps more efficient editing, processing, and file handling.

Adobe Illustrator CS software is an essential tool to express ideas visually in print, or on the Web. Powerful new features, including 3D graphics effects, character and paragraph styles, and innovative text composition controls, deliver design options for creative vision. And enhanced support for Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), expanded print capabilities, faster performance, and tight integration with other Adobe products as well as Microsoft Office make it easier than ever to efficiently publish your artwork anywhere.

Director MX 2004 is the proven tool for creating rich multimedia content and applications ideal for interactive educational content, cross platform publishing, Advanced Memory management for smooth playback of large multimedia or video files, DVD-Video support, integration with Macromedia Flash MX and a choice of scripting languages.

Microsoft Office 2007 is a suite of productivity programs created by Microsoft. The MS Office is the most popular office suite on the Windows and considered standard for word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation documents.

STAAD Pro is a popular structural engineering software product for 3D model generation, analysis and multi-material design. It has an intuitive, user-friendly GUI, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design facilities and seamless integration to several other modeling and design software products.

Matlab 13a ( Mat rix lab oratory) is an interactive software system for numerical computations and graphics. Matlab is especially designed for matrix computations: solving systems of linear equations, computing Eigen values and eigenvectors, factoring matrices, and so forth. In addition, it has a variety of graphical capabilities, and can be extended through programs written in its own programming language. Matlab is designed to solve problems numerically, that is, in finite-precision arithmetic.

Oasis (Library Management Software) is for distribution of books, inventory, cataloguing, barcode, online search. Online search offers availability of books from any node in the campus. The search criteria based on title, author, publication.

Digital Multimedia Language Lab & Teaching Server and Client edition – It is used for learning English language & Personality development.

SPSS – It is used f or Statistics calculation and analysis in Computer Science environment.

ETABS 9.5 (D), MEMSPro_5.1, Primavera, Pro-E, SAP2000 V-14.2.0 (D) are most useful engineering softwares in Mechanical and Civil for modeling designing and analysis in the laboratory.

VHDL Multisim & Xilinx5.2i and modelsim5.4e – For Electronic circuit designing and testing.

LAN Trainer – For computer networking practical in Laboratory for teaching Local Area Network concepts.

ORACLE 12C Standard edition 1 and EMBARCADERO C++ Builder are very useful engineering software in CSE.


Telephone Exchange


We have 360 line BSNL exhange in this campus. In addition to 120 line intercom EPABX of BPL make to provide internal communication. BSNL also has facilities to provide internet connection on demands to campus inhabitants.





Important Disclosures
Important Links
Training / Consultancy Programs
Other Links

Anti-Ragging Compliance
Mandatory Disclosure as per UGC Guidelines
Information Under RTI Act
University Policies
Grievance Submission
Prevention on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
National Academic Depository (NAD) : Obtain Digitally Verified Degree

Conferences & Workshop Archives
MOU with Universities / Institutions
LRC Intranet Services
JUET Chronicle
JUET Research Journal
The Observer : e-Newspaper
Vartika - University Magazine
Screen Reader
Social Entrepreneurship Swachhata & Rural Engagement Cell
Cyber Security Awareness Handbook
Fit India Movement
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
SWAYAM - An Initiative of MHRD
JIIT Noida
JUIT Waknaghat
JU Anoopshahr

AICTE Internship Portal
Cement Production & Quality Control
Consultancy & Material Testing Facility
Thermal Power Plant Simulation
Wind Engineering Application Centre
National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS)

Vidya Lakshmi (Education Loan Portal)
MP Pvt. University Regulatory Commission
Consortium for Educational Institutions
e-PG Pathshala
ICT initiatives of Ministry of Education
JUET@IRINS (Indian Research Information Network System)
AICTE e-Kumbh
Study in India
Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme
The National Archives of India (NAI) Resources

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA