Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Chemistry Department
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The Department of Chemistry at JUET Guna has two well-developed laboratories equipped with modern facilities and is actively involved in teaching the fundamental applied chemistry courses for the B.Tech. and Diploma students of the Chemical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering departments. The faculty of the department also teach specialized elective subjects to the final year B.Tech. students such as polymer engineering, pharmaceutical engineering & solid waste management etc. The department provides a strong research platform to the aspiring students for pursuing their doctoral degree program. Guidance is also provided for minor experimental research projects done by the students of the chemical engineering department. The faculty of the chemistry department is comprised of five highly qualified faculty with Ph.D. degrees from the best institutes in India. They are committed to the cause of bringing and cultivating the young bright minds and preparing them to face the challenge of the chemical and allied industries. The department also offers a degree program and Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry.

Chemistry Laboratory

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna

The department has two laboratories i.e., the chemistry laboratory and research laboratory. The chemistry laboratory provides the opportunities to the students to learn the practical concepts of Chemistry. Two basic laboratory courses are offered to students of B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) students, one in second semester (Physical & Inorganic Chemistry Lab) and second one in third semester (Organic Chemistry Lab). One chemistry laboratory course each is structured for B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) and B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) students in second semester. Two practical courses are also conducted for the students of the diploma programs. The chemistry laboratory is well equipped with basic necessities required to run undergraduate laboratory courses smoothly. Major equipment available in the chemistry laboratory are listed below:

  1. High precision Digital Electronic Weighing Balances
  2. UV spectrophotometer (both single and  double beam type)
  3. Gas Chromatograph
  4. Laboratory Oven / Muffle Furnace
  5. Digital pH/conductivity meters
  6. Water distillation unit
  7. Vacuum pump
  8. Polarimeter
  9. Oil bath
  10. Fume chamber

Apart from the equipment listed above, additional equipment is also available in the laboratories of the chemical engineering department

Doctoral Program
The department of Chemistry offers the doctor of philosophy program to the bright & meritorius scholars. The first Ph.D. student successfully completed the program and was awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry in 2011. Currently five full-time and one part-time Ph.D. scholars are pursuing their research under the guidance of Chemistry faculty with close association of Chemical engineering department.

The main research areas of the department are synthesis of new polymers, catalysis, natural products, and quality of underground water, biogas, bioremediation (Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater), solar energy, novel surfactants and oleo-chemicals.

This department has bagged two sponsored research projects funded by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) & Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India. As a result, the research laboratory is well equipped with basic necessities of synthesis aspects of chemicals. Some of the major equipment procured under the research funding are listed below:

  1. Du Nouy tensiometer
  2. Digital balance (Sartorius)
  3. Fluorescence Spectrophotometer(Shimadzu)

Adminstratively, the Chemistry department is attached with the Chemical Engineering department.










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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA