Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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In addition to excellent academic program JUET is engaged in quality research. There is Ph. D. program in all disciplines of engineering, applied sciences, mathematics, and management. Some projects are in vogue and two research centers are being set up.

Ph.D. Admission Procedure

a) Minimum qualification for admission to the first year Ph.D. in Engineering Stream shall be M.E./M.Tech. in appropriate branch with at least 60% marks aggregate or its equivalent CGPA from any recognized university/institutions/technical university/Deemed university or any other qualification as recommended by AICTE for a particular course.

(b) Minimum qualification for admission to the first year Ph.D. in Science/Mathematics/humanities/Management Stream shall be Master's Degree/M.Phil. in appropriate specialization with at least 60% marks aggregate or its equivalent CGPA from any recognized university/institutions/technical university/Deemed university or any other qualification as recommended by AICTE for a particular course.

(c) The Ph.D. Entrance Test will be conducted by the university; all applicants who qualify in the entrance will have to face the personal interview. Candidates are required to discuss their research interests and proposed research work at the time of the Interview.

(d) Applicants who have qualified GATE/SLET/UGC/CSIR (JRF) shall be given preference over those candidates who do not possess GATE/SLET/UGC/CSIR (JRF) on a full-time basis.

(e) All full-time & part-time candidates who have been sponsored for Ph.D. studies must have at least two years experience in the relevant field.

(f) Admissions shall be done in the university based on merit.

(g) The admission to the Ph.D. course shall be governed by the rules of higher education/technical education department of Govt. of India and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh or any other competent authority.






Important Disclosures
Important Links
Training / Consultancy Programs
Other Links

Anti-Ragging Compliance
Mandatory Disclosure as per UGC Guidelines
Information Under RTI Act
University Policies
Grievance Submission
Prevention on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
National Academic Depository (NAD) : Obtain Digitally Verified Degree

Conferences & Workshop Archives
MOU with Universities / Institutions
LRC Intranet Services
JUET Chronicle
JUET Research Journal
The Observer : e-Newspaper
Vartika - University Magazine
Screen Reader
Social Entrepreneurship Swachhata & Rural Engagement Cell
Cyber Security Awareness Handbook
Fit India Movement
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
SWAYAM - An Initiative of MHRD
JIIT Noida
JUIT Waknaghat
JU Anoopshahr

AICTE Internship Portal
Cement Production & Quality Control
Consultancy & Material Testing Facility
Thermal Power Plant Simulation
Wind Engineering Application Centre
National Apprentice Training Scheme (NATS)

Vidya Lakshmi (Education Loan Portal)
MP Pvt. University Regulatory Commission
Consortium for Educational Institutions
e-PG Pathshala
ICT initiatives of Ministry of Education
JUET@IRINS (Indian Research Information Network System)
AICTE e-Kumbh
Study in India
Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme
The National Archives of India (NAI) Resources

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA