Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Water Supply & STP
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Water Conservation & Supply

The campus development has been meticulously planned to ensure a sustainable and reliable water supply. In addition to sourcing water from the Gopi Krishna Sagar Dam Project, built on the Chopat River in compliance with environmental regulations, the university has implemented several initiatives to optimize water use and conservation. These measures minimize ecological disruption while ensuring long-term water security.

A state-of-the-art drainage system channels all rainwater on campus into a purpose-built lake, measuring 280 meters in length, 68 meters in width, and with a maximum depth of 6 meters, capable of storing up to 800 million gallons. This lake serves as a vital resource for irrigation, supporting the campus's lush flora and fauna, and contributes significantly to the overall ecological balance.
To further enhance groundwater recharge, the university has constructed percolation pits and strategically placed recharge wells, which help replenish aquifers and maintain the campus water table. Additionally, a pump house and water treatment facility at Pagara handle raw water sourced from the dam. The treatment process involves mixing, flocculation, settling, sludge removal, and storage. The partly treated water is then pumped through an 8.2 km, 8-inch diameter pipeline to the campus water treatment plant. Here, it undergoes further purification, including pressure filtration, active carbon filtration, pH adjustment, and chlorination. Post-chlorination ensures the water is free from contaminants.

The campus has sufficient storage capacity to meet the needs of all residents for up to seven days. Water is provided free of cost through an extensive distribution network, including 84 water coolers in academic blocks and hostels, as well as direct connections to staff accommodations.
In line with its commitment to sustainability, the university has installed water-efficient appliances and fixtures to reduce indoor water use. An extensive rainwater harvesting network across campus buildings collects and stores rainwater for groundwater recharge and non-potable uses, further reducing dependence on external water sources. Several tube wells complement the system, ensuring a diversified and resilient water supply strategy.


Sewerage Treatment Plant


The university has a well-established process for treating wastewater, which plays a crucial role in sustainability. The volume of liquid waste produced at various University locations is enormous when you consider the size of the University. Two sewage treatment facilities (STP) are available at the university, with daily processing capacities of 800 and 700 kilolitres, respectively. This facility caters to an approximate population of 2,500 people, treating about 400,000 litres of wastewater daily.

The treated water produced by the STP is repurposed for irrigation and the maintenance of green spaces on campus. This approach has several key advantages in terms of sustainability.

By reusing treated wastewater for irrigation, the demand for fresh potable water is reduced. This conserves valuable water resources, particularly in areas where water scarcity is a concern.

Treating wastewater before it is released back into the environment ensures that harmful contaminants and pollutants are removed, preventing water bodies and local ecosystems from being polluted. This also contributes to the overall health of the surrounding environment. In our facility, a separate tank is used to collect the treated water, which is then supplied for irrigation purposes. This not only supports sustainable water management but also ensures that valuable resources are reused efficiently, further enhancing the environmental benefits of the treatment process.

Using treated water for irrigation and landscaping minimizes the need for chemical fertilizers, reducing the campus's reliance on synthetic products and enhancing soil quality. The process of turning the sludge into manure further promotes resource efficiency by creating a useful product from waste.

By treating and reusing wastewater, the campus reduces its dependency on external water supply systems, lowering water procurement costs. This makes the entire water management system more cost-effective in the long run.

The conversion of sewage sludge into manure is a prime example of circular waste management. Rather than discarding the sludge as waste, it is repurposed as an organic fertilizer, contributing to sustainable farming practices and reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal.







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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA