Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Prof. (Dr.) Devendra Kumar Rai, the 3rd Vice-Chancellor of Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, assumed the charge of the Vice-Chancellor on 16th August 2023. Prof. Rai is a recognized academician, an uncompromising leader for an organization, and most importantly a well-loved educationist who has touched the lives of numerous students, their families as well as his peers.


Prof. Rai is an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has received his Bachelor's degree in science with honours in Physics, Master's degree in science with specialization in solid state physics and PhD degree in Physics from Banaras Hindu University.


Starting his career as an Assistant Professor in 2001, Prof. Rai rose to become full Professor in 2009 in the department of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE) at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) Noida. As a teacher, Prof. Rai has an impressive track record. He developed and taught a number of theory and lab courses, and developed laboratories of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering for UG, PG and PhD programs of engineering and sciences.


Prof. Rai has held various senior administrative positions in JIIT Noida such as Director; Dean of Acad.& Res.; Head, Department of PMSE;Assoc. Dean of Students' Welfare. Prof. Rai also served as Vice-Chancellor (Officiating) at Jaypee University Anupshahr.

Prof. Rai's profile speaks of his zeal for instilling excellence in his surrounding as he has been instrumental in ranking and accreditation procedures across various Government agencies - he worked as Nodal officer of NIRF ranking of JIIT Noida since its inception year 2016, Nodal Officer of AISHE (2015-23), Coordinator UGC visit (2019), Coordinator, AICTE visit (2019), Convener, and Nodal officer of NAAC committee (2015 & 2022), Nodal Officer of Study in India Program of MHRD, President, Institution's Innovation Council (2020-22), Director, RDC (2021-22), Chairman, LRC advisory committee (2010-23), Chairman, Unfair Means Committee(2018-23).He has also been instrumental in stringent and transparent implementation of online teaching and examination processes to ensure quality education during pandemic.

Prof. Rai has research interest in the area of ion conducting solids and electrochemical devices such as fuel cells and batteries. Prof Rai has also worked on development of non-linear crystals at Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University , Taiwan. Prof. Rai has guided a number PhD, M Tech and B Tech students and published a number of research publications in reputed national and international journals. Prof Rai has participated in large number of national and international conferences in India and abroad.





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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA