Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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on Cement Production & Quality Control

Unleashing the Cement courses at The Cement Research and Development Center, JUET Guna (M.P)

Many people are working in the cement industry without ever being involved in the actual production of cement. For them, to be able to understand the process of manufacturing cement, it is important that they know what is actually going on at a cement plant. That is why Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, GUNA has developed courses that aim at optimizing the communication between the technical issues of the Cement Plant and the support staff.

The Cement Research and Development Center at JUET Guna works on a concept to create, apply and disseminate knowledge within the field of cement manufacturing and training. We believe that:

  • Innovation takes place through research and development.
  • Application takes place through commissioned assignments, testing and inspection.
  • Finally, technology dissemination and learning takes place through courses and information.

The Cement Research and Development Center (CRDC) offers expert courses that are designed to accommodate every level of industry, from the entrepreneur to the artisan and the consulting engineer. The reason for this is that the average site operator learns his trade by watching the activities on site. Usually, the information gathered in this way is not enough and problems with cement making may occur.

The university also provides a training laboratory where practical demonstrations are carried out. The laboratory is where the workers can get hands-on experience of basic activities where the course participants master the skills they need to make cement more efficiently, more economically and with as little impact to the environment as possible.
At CRDC Guna we emphasize the importance of combining different ways of learning.

  • We combine theoretical lessons with hands-on lessons.
  • We combine class room lectures with working in groups.
  • We encourage dialog with and among the participants in order to bring the topic closer to the participants working environment.

And, by incorporating the four critical elements of adult learning – motivation, reinforcement, retention and transference – we ensure that participants are able to take the information taught in the course and apply it to their work.

A wide range of equipments for the training purpose are available at the CRDC.

Some of them are:

1. Compression Testing Machine- Capacity- 500 KN- Used for determination of compressive strength of cement mortar cubes.

2. Compression testing Machine- Capacity-50 KN- Used for the determination of Lime Reactivity of Pozzolana.

3. Cement Autoclave- Used for the determination of soundness of cement.

4. Vibrating Machine- Used for the purpose of making cement mortar cubes for determination of compressive strength.

5.  Flow Table- Used for determining the quantity of water for making lime – pozzolana – mortar cubes for the determination of lime reactivity of pozzolanic materials.

6. Humidity Cabinet/Chamber- Used for keeping various test samples at desired temperature and relative humidity.

7. Optical Microscope- Used for the study of clinker mineralogy.

8. Flame Photometer- Used for determination of alkali contents in cement.

9. Heat of Hydration Apparatus- Used for finding out heat of hydration of cement.

10. Bomb Calorimeter- Used for determination of the calorific value of fuels

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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA