Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
  CSI - Student Section    
Computer Science & Engineering Department
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Programming Laboratory

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna

This lab includes C, C++, OOPs, Data Structure, Compiler Design & Algorithm Lab

C Programming

This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic components of programming , so as to be able to initiate the students into the discipline of Programming. It aims to start of the development of problem solving ability using computer programming. This course teaches not only the mechanics of programming, but also how to create programs that are easy to read, maintain and debug. Students are introduced to the design principles for writing good programs.

Also, they will develop their ability to design, develop, test and document structured programs in C language.

The expectation is that students will become self-sufficient in learning any programming language on their own thereafter.



The objectives of the Object Oriented Programming Lab is

•  To strengthen their problem solving ability by applying the characteristics of an object-oriented approach.

•  To strengthen ability to design and represent solutions to problems using UML notations.

•  To introduce object oriented concepts in C++ and Java.

Student will be able to:

•  Apply an object-oriented approach to programming and identify potential benefits of object-oriented programming over other approaches.

•  Analyze and decompose problem specifications from Object Oriented Perspectives and represent the solution using UML notation.

•  Apply an object-oriented approach to developing applications of varying complexities.


Data Structure


Develop problem solving ability using Programming, develop ability to express solutions to problems clearly and precisely, develop ability to design and analyze algorithms, introduce with fundamental data structures, develop ability to design and evaluate Abstract Data Types and data structures.

Learning Outcomes

The students shall acquire the generic skills to design and implement data structures and related algorithms for a broad-based set of computing problems.

Algorithms Lab


  1. Strengthen higher level cognitive Skills of analysis, creation and evaluation.
  2. Strengthen Ability of data abstraction and problem solving using computer
  3. Strengthen ability to express solution to problem clearly and precisely.
  4. Strengthen ability to design and evaluate ADTs, nonlinear temporary and persistent data structures and also related algorithms.
  5. Introduce students to some domain specific data structures and related algorithms in various domains.

Learning Outcome

The student shall deepen the generic skills to design and implement ADTs. Non linear Data structures and algorithms for a broad-based set of computing problem in various domain











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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA