Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Mathematics Department
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PROGRAM : B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics


Programme Educational Objectives:

To develop broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of mathematics and enhance the ability of learners to apply the knowledge and skills acquired by them during the programme to solve specific theoretical and applied problems in mathematics.
To familiarize the students with suitable tools of mathematical analysis to handle issues and problems in mathematics and related sciences.
To provide students sufficient knowledge and skills enabling them to undertake further studies in mathematics and its allied areas on multiple disciplines concerned with mathematics. .
  Programme Outcomes:
Ability to acquire in-depth knowledge of algebra, calculus, geometry, differential equations and several other branches of mathematics. This also leads to study of related areas like computer science and physical science. Thus, this Program helps learners in building a solid foundation for higher studies in mathematics.
The skills and knowledge gained has intrinsic beauty, which also leads to proficiency in analytical reasoning. This can be utilized in modelling and solving real life problems.
To recognize patterns and to distinguish between essential and irrelevant aspects of problems.
Utilize mathematics to solve theoretical and applied problems by critical understanding, analysis and synthesis.
Ability to share ideas and insights while seeking and benefitting from knowledge and insight of others. This helps them to learn behave responsibly in a rapidly changing interdependent society.
Ability to communicate mathematics effectively by written, computational and graphic means.
Create mathematical ideas from basic axioms.
Ability to apply multivariable calculus tools in physics, economics, optimization, and understanding the architecture of curves and surfaces in plane and space etc.
Able to present mathematics clearly and precisely, make vague ideas precise by formulating them in the language of mathematics, describe mathematical ideas from multiple perspectives and explain fundamental concepts of mathematics to non-mathematicians.
This Program will also help students to enhance their employability for jobs in banking, insurance and investment sectors, data analyst and in various other public and private enterprises.
  Programme Specific Outcomes:
Understands the basic concepts of advanced Mathematics.
Develops the problem-solving skill.
  PSO-3: Creates Mathematical Models.






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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA