Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
  ASME - Student Section    
Mechanical Engineering Department
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Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Laboratory

This lab is run in synchronicity with the theory course 18B11ME411 (Fluid Mechanics). It is an introductory course where students learn about flow behaviour, flow measuring devices and flow analysis tools and devices. The central idea behind experiments includes determination of forces generated due to fluid surface interaction, control volume approach understanding and application, proof of the momentum and mechanical energy equations, flow regime determination, discharge and velocity measurements, stability of floating bodies, and the application of engineering correlations. The lab experiments utilize U-tube manometer, orifice & venture meters, Pitot & Pitot-Static tubes, and data accusation systems. The experiments performed in the lab closely follow the lectures to get a better understanding of the theory covered in lectures.



List of equipments, experiments, and machines

  1. Bernoulli's apparatus
  2. Pipe friction apparatus
  3. Reynold's apparatus
  4. Venturi meter
  5. Orificemeter
  6. Metacentric height apparatus
  7. Minor loss apparatus
  8. Notch apparatus
  9. Pitot-Static tube apparatus
  10. Centrifugal pump test rig (variable speed, multistage, series & parallel)
  11. Reciprocating pump (variable speed, digital RPM measurement)
  12. Gear pump test rig (variable speed)
  13. Pelton wheel turbine test rig (3kW)
  14. Fancies turbine test rig (3 kW)




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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA