Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Center of Excellence - JAYPEE Wind Engineering Application Centre

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Out side view of Wind Engineering Application Centre


Infrastructure development significantly contributes to the industrial and economic growth of a country. India is a rapidly urbanising developing country. The future of our country is poised for design and construction of many tall buildings and structures, such as residential, commercial and power plant structures. These are highly susceptible for dynamic wind forces. Due to the complexity of aerodynamic and aeo-elastic interactions of these structures, in particular, due the interference effects, which are realistic cases in practice, boundary layer wind tunnel (BLWT) testing provides innovative engineering solutions for several industrial problems. With this objective, with the fore-vision of our Hon'ble Founder Chairman, Sril Jai Prakash Gaurji and the Jaypee Group, the Wind Engineering Application Centre is established at the Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna in Madhya Pradesh. The hallmark of this Centre is the stat-of-the-art Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel facility, designed by Indian experts and reviewed and vetted by International wind engineering experts from Australia and New Zealand. The wind tunnel is presently operational. The vision of this   JP-WINCENTRE is to become a Centre of Excellence of International repute in the field of Wind Engineering by providing   innovative solutions  to problems of industry and society, and by pursuing quality research in wind engineering. Brief details of important specifications, special features and instrumentation system of this tunnel along with few of our recent research publications are given below:

Important Specifications
Type Closed circuit low speed boundary layer wind tunnel
Test Section size 3.5 m (W) X 3 m (H) X 22 m (L)
Overall Length 150 m (approx.) - 60 m (one leg)
Maximum wind Speed 40 m/s (at test section)
Contraction Ratio 1:6
Special Features
  • Twin- turn table facility
  • Blockage tolerant roof for accommodating large size models
  • Large size settling chamber (7.5 m X 8.4 m)
  • 3-D traverse system
  • Ability to simulate atmospheric turbulence for different terrain conditions.
Instrumentation System
• Hot-wire anemometry system: (normal and XY - wire probes)
• Multi-channel high scan dynamic pressure system (512 channels; 2 Initiums; 16 Scanners with DTC)
• Standard Pitot tube
• Six -component base balance
• Strain gauges and accelerometers
• Special arrangements for control of turn-table position; 3D-traverse system and fan speed.
• Data acquisition system/software: Labview, Matlab; PSI pressure measurement systems.
Dr. Sumit Gandhi Dr. Nitin Kumar Samaiya
Associate Professor & HOD (CE) Associate Professor (CE)
Email: sumit.gandhi@juet.ac.in Email: nitin.samaiya@juet.ac.in
Ph: 07544 267310-312 Ph: 07544 267310-312
Dr. Subas Chandra Dash Dr. Pankaj Dumka
Assistant Professor (SG), MEC Assistant Professor (SG), MEC
Email: subas.dash@juet.ac.in Email: pankaj.dumka@juet.ac.in
Ph: 07544 267310-312 Ph: 07544 267310-312
Shri. Sanjeev Gupta
Vice President (Engineering), JAL india Pvt(Ltd)., Noida
Ph: +91 9811425702





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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA