Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
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Highest Package offered to JUET Students

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2024 Batch - Rs. 30.0 Lacs Per Annum

One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2020-24 batch), PRIYANK SHANKAR, Er. Number 201B199 has received a job offer from Mercari with a package of INR 30.0 Lacs per annum.

2023 Batch - Rs. 44.14 Lacs Per Annum

One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2019-23 batch), ESHITA, Er. Number 191B104 has received a job offer from Amazon with a package of INR 44.14 Lacs per annum.

2022 Batch - Rs. 44.0 Lacs Per Annum  
Six B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2018-22 batch), ATHARVA THOMBRE (181B058), DHIVAGAR M (181B082), PALAK MODI (181B138), PIYUSH DIKSHIT (181B143), TEJAS PANDEY (181B229) and DEEPAK MEHROTRA (181B077) have received a job offer from Amazon with a package of INR 44.0 Lacs per annum.
2021 Batch - Rs. 35.0 Lacs Per Annum  

One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2017-21 batch), Sanidhya Samadhiya, Er. Number 171B112 has received a job offer from Zeta with a package of INR 35.0 Lacs per annum.

2020 Batch - Rs. 41.0 Lacs Per Annum  

One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2016-20 batch), Shubham Tyagi, Er. Number 161B226 has received a job offer from Shopee-Airpay with a package of 78000 SGD (Approx. INR 41) Lacs per annum.

It is the highest package offered to any JUET student till date as fresher.

2019 Batch - Rs. 25 Lacs Per Annum  
One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2015-19 batch), Shivam Saxena, Er. Number 151394 has received a job offer from InterviewBit with a package of INR 25 Lacs per annum.
2018 Batch - Rs. 37 Lacs Per Annum

One of B.Tech (CSE) Final year student (2014-18 batch), Varun Singh , Er. Number 141357 has been selected as Software Engineer - Backend – by Grab Singapore and offered package of Rs. 37 Lacs per annum.



Testimonial : Varun Singh (Er. No.-141357)