Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Important Lilnks

Policy for Honoring Faculty members for Receiving State, National and International Awards/ Recognitions

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To encourage and motivate faculty, research scholars and students to publish quality research/innovative work and participate in various professional and social activities, the Institute honors those faculty members who receive State, National and International awards or publish papers in quality research Journal as per following:


Teachers having received the following awards/recognition shall be considered for a Commendation Certificate/Medal/Monetary Benefit in an Institute function.


National/International Awards

  (2) Awards/Recognition by Regional/National/ International Societies / Institutions / Universities.

National/International Commendation Certificates.


Research/Social Awards with cash/citation/medal.


Awards established by State/Regional societies.


Award in a conference of repute.


Teachers having received the following awards/recognition shall be considered for a commendation certificate.


Published papers in SCI/SSCI Journals


Published a book

Teachers having received the awards/recognition as defined in (A) shall be published in the newsletter of the University and uploaded on the website of the Institution.

Head of the Department will inform Dean (A&R) along with a copy of the certificate/citation and details of the award/recognition to select the faculty members. A committee formed by Vice Chancellor will select the faculty members to receive the commendation certificate and medal for Category (A). For other categories, Dean(A&R)/HOD will be deciding authority.


The selected members would be awarded the medal during an event organized by the University. Dean (A&R) will maintain a list of awards and recognitions in different categories. This list will be updated taking inputs from the Departments time to time.





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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA