Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Important Lilnks
Seed Money Grant Policy
  Untitled Document


Research is the foundation of knowledge that brings new energy, builds state-of-the-art facilities, promotes publications, and innovation amongst faculty members. Seed money grant policy of Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology is designed to stimulate competitive research in emerging areas of national/international importance, and to promote innovative product and technology development. It will and to facilitate the start of research which may potentially develop creative ventures.

Objectives of Seed Money Policy:

  • To create an enabling environment within University to encourage research.
  • Provide required support through research framework and guidelines.
  • To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
  • To create opportunities for faculty members of the University to involve themselves in real life research projects.
  • To aid a faculty to start a research program that has the potential to sustain and attract funds from external agencies.
  • To test a novel idea and to generate preliminary results before submitting proposals to external agencies.
  • To promote inter-departmental collaboration in emerging areas.
  • To promote generation of IPR and product/process development.

The University faculty members based on their innovative ideas are encouraged to submit research proposals to Dean (A&R) through their Head of Department. The applicant has to clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the proposed project represents a new research direction in an area likely to generate external funding.


The primary goal of this scheme is to support faculty members in developing research resources in the area of expertise and to develop innovative or interdisciplinary approaches or methodologies.



  1. A regular faculty member can apply for Seed Money apart from that provided.
  2. At any time, a PI can submit only one application. However, he/she can be a co- investigator in more than one proposal.
  3. The amount of grant depends on the funds allocated for the scheme for the given year and also on other factors such as the number of applications, quality of proposal, etc.
  4. Faculty is not permitted to use the seed money for their Ph.D. work.
  5. A faculty is not permitted to use the seed money for organising or attending conferences, seminars, webinars and other such events.

  6. If the PI leaves the University, all items procured (books, equipment, stationery, furniture, etc.) will become property of the University.

  7. Any intellectual property generated during the course of such a project will be owned by JUET.

  8. Faculty may not demand seed money as their right.



  1. Announcement will be made to submit pre-proposal.
  2. Pre-proposals submitted by PI will be evaluated by Dean (A&R) and concerned Head of Department.
  3. PIs of short-listed applications will be asked to submit a full proposal of maximum 10 pages.
  4. The full proposals will be reviewed by University selection committee. The PI will be invited to make a presentation before the selection committee.
  5. Decision on the award will be announced.

Criteria of Evaluation:

  • Innovative interdisciplinary research.
  • Promise of sustainable research and development attracting external funds.
  • Budget matches to claimed outcomes.
  • Potential to generate intellectual property (Including product and process development).

Expected Outcome:

  • Publication in peer-reviewed journals/intellectual property generation including product/ process development
  • Externally funded projects








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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA